PC-SIG: World of Education
PC-SiG's World of Education.iso
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Software Creations has made every attempt to ensure that your software is
The most common problem that we have experienced is caused by users not making
the effort to read the instructions. We put a LOT of time and energy into our
instructions, so if you have a problem, we only ask that you PLEASE reread your
instructions carefully, and that you make an effort to understand your program
with the instructions provided.
If you have a problem running BACKGAMMON on your system, we hope that you will
communicate so in writing, including as much information as possible about your
system (as well as background software such as resident utilities and your
version of DOS) so that we can be of better service to you. If you provide
inadequate information, it takes much longer to solve the particular problem
and frustrates us, your software distributors, and ultimately you since it
takes us longer to provide you with software that is compatible with your
IMPORTANT: If you expect product support it is not unreasonable for us to
also expect that you support us. We are certain that you could understand
that Software Creations, as a shareware organization, is not in a position to
provide program support for non-registered users.
Thank you
Software Creations
99-583 Aliipoe Drive
Aiea, Hawaii 96701
PLEASE NOTE: If you wish a direct response from Software Creations, please
provide a self-addressed, stamped envelope. We are a shareware organization
and your assistance is needed to defray the cost of program support.
Please describe the problem in detail. Please print neatly.
Please provide the following information about your version of BACKGAMMON.
Backgammon Version Number ______________ Distribution Date ________________
Distribution Group ____________________________ Disk Number ______________
Address _____________________________________________________________________
Please provide the following information about your system.
Manufacturer ______________________________ Model Number __________________
Operating System __________________ Version of Operating System _____________
Size of RAM _________________________________________________________________
Graphics Card Manufacturer __________________________ Model Number __________
Other peripherals ____________________________________________________________
Other peripherals ____________________________________________________________
Other peripherals ____________________________________________________________